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Installation of MySQL server on Mac OS X Lion
This article is part of Django Installation on Mac OS X Lion
At the time of writing this post, MySQL Server on MySQL site doesn’t have installer package for OS X 10.7 (aka Lion) but 10.6 Package works just fine for 10.7 as well. This may change soon and we may see package for OS X 10.7 as well or may be rename current package to 10.6 & above.
Installing MySQL community server:
- Download the latest 64-Bit DMG Archive (Apple Disk Image) from MySQL Site ( Current latest version is 5.5.14 which I’ll be using to install on my machine.
- Mount the Disk Image (I mean open/double-click the DMG file) and install MySQL server by double-clicking the PKG file (in my case mysql-5.5.14-osx10.6-x86_64.pkg) and follow onscreen instructions. ( It will ask for Master password, as it installs MySQL server in /usr/local )
- Add /usr/local/mysql/bin to your path by editing .profile file. (Optionally you can create alias to mysql and mysqladmin as mentioned in README File)
- You can start MySQL server by running “/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe &” from terminal but Disk image you downloaded also consists of Startup Package & Preferences Pane which allows you to start/stop MySQL server from System Preferences and even Automatically Start MySQL Server at Startup.
*Please note /usr/local/mysql is only symlink to /usr/local/mysql-5.5.14-osx10.6-x86_64 which means when you upgrade to new version symlink will be changed to point to new version but won’t be deleting the older version. However you need to copy your data directory to new location to make sure your existing databases are intact post upgrade.
Installing MySQL Startup Scripts & Preferences Pane (OPTIONAL)
- Double Click MySQLStartupItem.pkg and Follow on screen instructions (You will be asked for Master Password)
- Double Click MySQL.prefPane which will add MySQL to OS X System Preferences and it should like something like below
- Check Automatically Start MySQL Server on Startup to start MySQL server at boot time.
In next section we will discuss installing phpMyAdmin which will provide us web interface to perform basic MySQL administration tasks on Mac OS X Lion.